Jammu & Kashmir
JK Admin removes president municipal committee Awantipora for ‘abusing’ official position
Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir administration has removed the President Municipal Committee, Awantipora on the grounds of abusing his official position.
The Housing and Urban Development Department has ordered the removal of Bilal Ahmad Bhat, President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora from his office on the ground of abuse of his official powers.
“Now, therefore, in the exercise of the powers conferred by Section 26 of the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, 2000, the Government hereby removes Bilal Ahmad Bhat, President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora from his office on the ground of abuse of his official powers, with immediate effect,” reads a notification issued by the Housing & Urban Development.
According to the notification, Director, Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir vide letter No DULB/G/17086-87 Dated 17,05,2022 submitted to the H&UDD that as per the report of executive officer, Municipal Committee, Awantipora and statement posted on the official website of Anti-Corruption Bureau, Bilal Ahmad Bhat, President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora has been caught red-handed by ACB on May 13, 2022, while demanding and accepting bribe of Rs. 1000/- for processing bills of a vendor.
An FIR No.09/2022 was registered against him by the ACB and he was arrested on the spot.
Subsequently, the administration ordered an inquiry on May 24, 2022, against him under section 26 of the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, 2000.
Mathoora Masoom, Director, Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir was appointed as inquiry officer to conduct a detailed inquiry into the matter of alleged misconduct of President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora.
As per the notification, President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora was afforded an opportunity to present his case/defense by the Inquiry Officer.
“The President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora (Bilal Ahmad Bhat) appeared before the inquiry officer and submitted a written statement of defense which was taken on record,” the notification states.
According to the notification, the inquiry officer submitted the inquiry report on July 27. “The inquiry officer in the report has observed that the President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora Bilal Ahmad Bhat) in his reply has denied all the allegations and tried to shift the blame to the executive officer stating therein that executive officer actually passes and signs the bills and does not take the President into confidence while passing the bills. But the same is contrary to the law position and in the instant case, the executive officer had sought the approval of the President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora, which he had refused to accord.
As per Section 306(2) of Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, 2000, it is the duty of the executive officer to assist the President of the Municipal Committee and thus the contention of the President that the Executive Officer does not take the President into confidence is baseless,” the notification reads.
“The inquiry officer after considering the reply of the President, statement of witnesses has recommended that the President, Municipal Committee, Awantipora has abused his official powers as the President of the Committee and acted in a manner which is unbecoming of a public servant and therefore is liable for removal under Section 26 of the Jammu and Kashmir Municipal Act, 2000,” it further states.
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