Jammu & Kashmir

Accommodation for 5,000 Amarnath yatris available at a time in Srinagar: Dist Admin

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Amarnath pilgrims.

Srinagar: In order to give final touch to the preparations to host Amarnath pilgrims at Pantha Chowk transit camp for their temporary stay during their journey, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Dr Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat accompanied by officers visited the transit camp on Wednesday.

During his visit, the DC inspected elaborative arrangements with respect to accommodation, bedding, electricity, drinking water, sanitation and langar facilities at the venue.

Speaking on the occasion regarding overall preparation, the DC maintained that the accommodation capacity of the camp has been upgraded manifold and about five thousand yatris at a time can be provided accomodation in view of expected surge in devotees.

The DC added that to make stay of yatries comfortable, all the necessary arrangements including drinking water, electricity, langar besides toilet and sanitation facilities have been made well in advance.

Dr Bilal said that the district administration Srinagar and civil society is ready to welcome yatries with enthusiasm and affection.

He also said that foolproof security measures have been made by the SSP Srinagar along with other security agencies to ensure smooth and peaceful conduct of the Yatra.

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