No plans to amend, remove AFSPA from JK, says Govt of India
New Delhi: The Government of India informed the Parliament on Tuesday said that they have no plans to withdrawn or amend the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from Jammu and Kashmir.
Under the Act, the government forces enjoy immunity and special rights to carry out operations in ‘disturbed areas’.
Union Minister Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, in a written reply, said, “There is no proposal to amend the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990. There is no proposal under consideration of Government of India to withdraw the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990 from Jammu and Kashmir.”
Ahir, however, said in the Lok Sabha that a proposal is under consideration to make the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 more operationally effective and humane.