New Delhi: The Delhi Police have heightened their vigilance following a video message from Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, a Khalistani member based in the US, who threatened to disrupt the Parliament on December 13 — the anniversary of the 2001 militant attack on Parliament.
A senior police official informed PTI that security measures have been intensified in and around Parliament, emphasising a commitment to maintaining law and order.
The official assured, “No one will be allowed to disturb law and order,” highlighting the proactive stance taken to prevent any potential incidents.
He further stated that heightened security measures have been implemented throughout Delhi. In the video message, featuring a photo of Afzal Guru, the convict from the 2001 Parliament attack, Pannu, the leader of the proscribed organisation Sikhs for Justice, alleged an attempt on his life by the Narendra Modi government.
He issued a threat to respond on December 13, claiming that his actions would significantly impact “the very foundation of the Indian Parliament.”