In the heart of the city lies a captivating hangout—where a new generation of Kashmiri kids finds solace in a modern restive...
As women nourish their families and community members in open fields, the event comes alive with heartwarming farming moments. A man in...
With Eid around the corner, a commoner’s anguish stems from the rising heat in the market. Be it a make-believe racecourse drives...
A pauper on a searing street and a merchant in an AC-fitted upscale store bear a stark resemblance with each other these...
Polythene is showing up in the darkest depths of the oceans, at the summit of tallest mountains and even the polar ice...
Kashmiri Muslims celebrated Eid-al-Fitr on 22 April 2023, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Early morning in Srinagar, Thousands...
Srinagar: Kashmiri Muslims thronged markets for preparations ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr in Srinagar’s Goni Khan Market on Friday. People were seen buying bread,...
Amid urban myths and legends, Srinagar has stayed snappers’ picture perfect owing its heritage and history. Jhelum’s Ghat No. 9 is a...
Trapped in winter, they prepare for spring. And that literally defines the spirit of the valley. Away from the urban snarl-ups and...