Towards late 60’s the state engineers were asked to study problems of Nallah Mar and explore the possibility of reviving the Nallah...
In this critique, the writer without devaluing a thinker of the stature of Iqbal, is opening space for debate and discussion around...
In this piece, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, United States, argues that scientific facts are in complete agreement with the verses...
The two neighbours lately traded fresh nuke threats—but at what cost? South Asia once again woke up to a ticking-bomb reality when...
In this piece, a serving patwari argues how digitizing of revenue records will create fresh disputes and litigations in the society and...
Putting aside the political, literary and academic debate, it’s widely known that a Kashmiri society remains deeply imitated by films. In one...
Our children literally carry the burden of this useless education which can directly be assessed by the weight of their bags. A...
The protagonist being in a physically acrimonious marriage never enunciates a word. This speaks volumes about the helplessness and powerlessness of women...
Swerved by strife into a Theatre of Absurd, Kashmir is grappling with the senselessness of the words prevailing for decades and lingering...