Subscribe to Free Press Kashmir

We are a twelve year old journalism venture committed to the highest standards of journalism. Founded to fight misinformation and disinformation while holding the powerful to account, we have been fiercely defending press freedom and fighting bias.

Our brand of journalism fills a crucial gap of reporting at which the Indian and International media fail significantly. We have been instrumental in telling the stories of Kashmir – on digital and print platforms – that need to be told and retold, often making those in power uncomfortable.

We are fair and fearless. We tell truth to power and have stood tall in the face of threats and attempts to silence us through countless instances of censorship.

But now we face an existential crisis.

We are on the verge of shutting down because the ads have stopped as the economy is in ruins. We do not depend on the state for revenue. Our primary source of income is the online private adverts, which have dried up completely. 

The pandemic too has come as a death blow, and the future looks bleak for independent journalism. But it is here, that authentic and reliable information is needed more than ever before.

We have tried our best to keep the show running. But now we need you.

We decided to relaunch Free Press Kashmir on Press Freedom Day, after a forced closure since August 2019.

The Corona Pandemic now alters how we see the world, and what comes next can only be based on authentic information.

We will be moving from the much experimented and failed advertisement model, which has led to media being controlled by corporate and governments worldwide, to a subscription model of revenue, in an effort to keep independent and unbiased journalism alive in Kashmir.

When YOU pay for the news, it serves YOU.

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News, to remain unbiased and unfiltered requires not just editorial independence, but economic independence too.

The team at Free Press Kashmir strives to get you ground reports, analysis and voices, that are connected to the ground, and serve you, the reader.

Today, the biggest challenge for news media is not just censorship and threats, but economic control that can alter the voices, to suit their political and vested agendas.

It is exactly this, that needs an alternative, a model where the audience pays for the journalism produced.

By funding your content, you produce quality journalism.

Keep the Free Press as it should be, Free.


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