In an uncanny Kasfesque town of Krashnoy, (neither to be confused with Krasnoy from the novel ‘Malafrena’, where learnt men assuage the...
“If something as hard as stone gets pierced with water, what would happen to a human heart constantly under criticism?” At the...
Writer’s Note: With the rising demands for extra classes and competency between students of different grades, I strongly believe it’s important that...
Archimedes had said more than two millennia back ‘Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it,...
Soon after the project was started and, as happens with anything in Kashmir, people have for long associated conspiracy theories with the...
Some time back, I had shared on social media a photo of a canal in the city of Utrecht (Netherlands) which had...
In this piece, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, United States, argues that scientific facts are in complete agreement with the verses...
It all started with the code for army, but nearly 200 years later it’s yet to become a source of light for...
In this piece, a serving patwari argues how digitizing of revenue records will create fresh disputes and litigations in the society and...