Jammu & Kashmir

JKSSB: Panchayat secretary provisional selection list notified; know details here

JKSSB candidates appearing for exam. [FPK Photo/ Qayoom Khan]

Srinagar: The authorities have officially released the Provisional Selection List encompassing a whopping 1,395 Panchayat Secretary (RD&PR) positions.

This comes following the examination conducted on December 10, 2023.

Aspirants eager to check their status can find the comprehensive list on the official website [jkssb.nic.in](https://jkssb.nic.in).

Notably, candidates are granted a five-day window to meticulously review the list and, if necessary, submit objections.

This is an opportunity for candidates to ensure the accuracy of their status in the selection process. As the deadline for objections is imminent, candidates can act promptly.

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