
Buried Article 370 in ‘kabristan’, no power in world can bring it back: Modi

Narendra Modi

Mumbai: Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi stated at a rally in Mumbai on Friday that no power in the world can revive Article 370 in Kashmir.

Modi called the Congress manifesto for the Lok Sabha polls “Maoist,” warning it would halt economic growth and lead to bankruptcy if implemented.

The BJP leader claimed the Congress, if elected, would take gold from temples, women’s ‘mangalsutra,’ and impose a 50% inheritance tax.

Speaking at his final rally in Maharashtra for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls at Mumbai’s Shivaji Park, Modi criticised the Congress for its election manifesto, describing it as a threat to economic growth and stability.

Modi noted that the removal of Article 370 and the construction of the Ram temple, previously considered impossible, were achieved due to the power of voters.

He urged Mumbai residents to remember past terror attacks and the improved safety since 2014 when voting on May 20.

In Uttar Pradesh, Modi claimed the Congress and SP would bulldoze the Ram temple if elected, suggesting they should learn from Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on proper use of bulldozers. He predicted his government’s return in the Lok Sabha elections.

Modi accused the opposition INDIA bloc of planning to give Muslims a large share of reservations meant for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes.

He criticized a senior SP leader’s remark that the Ram temple is useless and alleged the Congress plans to overturn the Supreme Court’s decision on the temple.

Modi asserted that the SP and Congress prioritise appeasement and falsely accuse him of creating a Hindu-Muslim divide.

He praised the law on triple talaq, claiming it brought “blessings from mothers and sisters”, and slammed the opposition’s attempts to include Muslims in reservations.

In Hamirpur, Modi warned that the opposition would distribute wealth to their Muslim vote bank and criticized their stance on Article 370 and Pakistan. He mocked Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar’s advice on Pakistan, highlighting the defense capabilities being developed in Bundelkhand.

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