Jammu & Kashmir

14 lost phones find way to their rightful owners in Kupwara

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Kupwara: Jammu and Kashmir police have successfully recovered 14 lost mobile phones and returned  to their rightful owners in north Kashmir’s Kupwara. The owners were overwhelmed with joy upon receiving their valuable devices, which had been missing for several months or even years.

The devices were recovered from various parts of the JK. “14 recovered mobile phones were handed over to their rightful owners at the district police office (DPO) Kupwara,” an official said. He said that all pending complaints of this nature were resolved and the phones were returned to their owners.

The official urged everyone to consider the police as friends and allies, saying their mission is to serve the community and resolve issues as swiftly and effectively as possible.

The owners who spoke to Kashmir News Observer expressed immense gratitude and relief at the return of their valuable devices.

Overwhelmed with joy, Waseem Khwaja, a resident of Marhama Trehgam, received his stolen device after three years. “I can’t express my feelings. This phone wasn’t just a gadget, but had vital information and countless memories,” he said.

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