Jammu & Kashmir

Eid-ul-Adha: Dealers struggle to sell sacrificial animals, hopeful of last-minute miracle

Sacrificial animals for sale outside Eidgah in Srinagar, Kashmir. [FPK Photo / Umar Farooq]

Srinagar: Ahead of Eid ul-Adha, the livestock traders in Kashmir are facing an unprecedented struggle to sell the sacrificial animals.

The traditional markets, typically bustling with activity as people purchase goats, sheep, and cattle for the annual ritual, have seen a significant downturn this year.

Several dealers said that they have been struggling to sell sacrificial animals this year and fewer people have been purchasing the animals this year.

The ongoing inflation and financial instability have left many families with reduced purchasing power, they said.

Ghulam Ahmad Mir, a livestock trader in Srinagar said that the prices of essential goods have skyrocketed due to which people are finding it hard to manage their daily expenses, let alone spend on sacrificial animals.

He said that the markets in Srinagar would usually pick up pace in the days ahead of Eid, but this year’s case is different, thereby causing them significant distress.

Aamir Bhat, another dealer from South Kashmir’s Shopian said that every year for the last 10-15 years, he used to sell hundreds of sheep on Eid-ul-Adha but this year he has sold just a few sheep as of now.

He said that inflation besides the sluggish market is among the main reasons behind low demand for sacrificial animals.

Dealers said that they have been selling sacrificial animals on minimal profits but despite that they are finding it very difficult to sell the sacrificial animals.

Despite the bleak outlook, the traders said that they are hopeful for a last-minute surge in sales as Eid ul-Adha draws nearer. (KNO)

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