In the September of 2019, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan published her debut book of poetry, Postcolonial Banter. The book revolves around being British and...
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali aka Imam Ghazali may be considered as the 11th century’s mujaddid [a renewer of the faith], but his relevance...
“The Tiny Journalist becomes a statement to narrative and its power to guide us to the right questions. These questions move beyond...
Within life’s colorful weave, versifier Saleem Al Naffar stood as a beacon of national pride, revered for his boundless generosity, approachable spirit,...
Published in 2022, Mosab Abu Toha’s debut book of poems, Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear, is a study of...
Published by Neem Tree Press in July 2023, Safinah Danish Elahi’s The Idle Stance of the Tippler Pigeon explores the breakdown of...
Mir is faithful to the title of “leader of descriptive writers” bestowed on him by Rahman Rahi. Dr Shiban K Kachru’s translation...
Rishism in Kashmir was an opportunity for women to find new ways of spiritual and literary expression. Kashmir’s indigenous Sufi order, Rishism...
In Tangled in Terror, Suhaiymah Manzoor Khan seeks to divorce Islamophobia from Islam and Muslims. In the face of racial or Islamophobic...
Old lovers bump into each other as travellers and embark on a reticently retrospective ride. An unnamed man is on his commute...