Famous for housing revered Sufi saint Sheikh Noor Din Noorani aka Nund Reshi’s shrine, Chrar-e-Sharief town is equally known for a unique...
In a small village in Pampore, Abdul Satar Ganie is leading by example to keep his village’s unique Kangri, known for its...
Charred windows, smoked doors and black broken bricks are now the new address of those who lost their houses in a Budgam...
Non-local ragpickers who scrounge for trash find conflict zone called Kashmir ‘safer’ than ‘shining’ mainland India. Even though they live shabbily and...
When their dried paddy fields paved way to vegetable gardens some decades back, none in Budgam’s Bugam hamlet had thought that they...
Known for its unique texture and taste, Rajpora ‘Sheermal’ became a popular Tandoori delicacy soon after it came out of the kitchen...
After California almonds pushed Kashmiri homegrown dry fruits to the market margins, now their blooming fields are falling to a host of factors...
Notwithstanding disquieting weather forecasts, plum orchardists of Budgam’s B.K. Pora are currently reaping a bumper cash crop. Increased production coupled with domestic...