The Delhi High Court on Monday allowed Gautam Navlakha, one of the five rights activists arrested in connection with Bhima-Koregaon case, to...
Left-backed social activists and employees’ unions demanded the release of human rights activists on Thursday detained in the ongoing Bhima Koregaon probe...
The Supreme Court of India adjourned the hearing of the Bhima Koregaon case in which five activists had been arrested in alleged...
Upto 190 people affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, have demanded the immediate release of Sudha Bharadwaj, one among the five...
The Supreme Court of India extended the house arrests of five human rights activists who had been arrested by the Pune Police...
The Maharashtra Police defended the arrests of five human rights activists who had been arrested in alleged connection to ‘Maoist links’ before...
The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society condemned the recent arrests of Kashmir Narrator assistant editor Aasif Sultan and human rights...
Human rights activist and professor Sudha Bharadwaj, who was arrested in multi-city raids by Pune Police earlier on Tuesday and currently on...
Booker winner Arundhati Roy on Tuesday while reacting to the news of police raids at the homes of human rights activists in...