To capture the current household crisis, Free Press Kashmir presents the pandemic prison tales as part of the Survivor Series. This first...
As the perilous pandemic padlocked educational campuses of the valley afresh, Kashmiri students depict their distressing indoor life shadowed by the second...
Srinagar: Parents are in constant dilemma about sending their children to schools as the Jammu and Kashmir Admin decided to reopen educational...
Students travelling long distances in pandemic to attend online classes Srinagar: When financial conditions of the family of 17-year-old Adnan Farooq, class...
The public health emergency caused by the COVID pandemic has brought the whole world to a standstill. In Kashmir, over 28,000 cases...
India on Saturday reported highest daily spike of 38,902 cases of Covid-19 infections taking the total number of Covid-19 cases in the...
Srinagar: A 73-year-old man from Pattan area of Baramulla district died at a hospital in Srinagar, taking the fatality count due to...
Struggling working classes are switching jobs to survive Srinagar: Pushing his fruit-laden cart through the streets of the semi-urban outskirts in Srinagar,...
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) on Monday began consultation with the stakeholders and other states on the reopening of schools...
Asking that the states should drop the charges registered against migrants who have allegedly violated coronavirus lockdown orders, the Supreme Court on...