New York: A majority of American voters believe Donald Trump is not “fit to serve as president” of the United States, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, with 51 percent of respondents saying they are embarrassed to have Trump serve as president.
The poll reports that 59 percent say Trump is not honest, 60 percent say he does not have good leadership skills and 61 percent say he does not share their values.
The poll also showed that Americans are split along racial lines on Trump. Ninety-four percent of black voters said the Republican president is not fit to serve, 60 percent Hispanic voters said the same, while 50 percent white voters said he is fit for the role.
Sixty-two percent of voters disapproved of the way Trump has dealt with race relations, and 60 percent said the controversial president is doing more to divide the country than unite it.
The poll also showed more Democrats than Republicans disapprove of Trump’s fitness for office.
The poll also revealed divisions among men and women. Men are divided 49 percent to 49 percent, while 63 percent of women say Trump is not fit.
The poll was conducted from September 21 to 26 by phone in which 1,412 voters nationwide participated.
Another poll conducted by ABC/Washington Post published on Sunday showed that more than twice as many Americans – 66 percent vs. 28 percent – said Trump is doing more to divide the country than to unify it.