In UP’s Gorakhpur district, a teenage girl was allegedly raped by two men on Friday and her body was singed with cigarrete butts in UP’s eastern region.
A case has been registered in this regard and two men have been arrested and sent to jail, quoting the UP Police, NDTV reported. The two main accused were identified as Arjun, who lives near the incident spot and his accomplice, Chotu.
The medical reports of the girl are still awaited.
In a written complaint to the police acquired by the NDTV, the mother of the girl has said the girl went missing from their home at around 8 pm on Friday when she had gone to a hand pump in the village to collect water. The family mounted a search and found the girl the next morning around 5 am. “My daughter told me that the accused abducted her, raped her overnight and then burnt her body using cigarette butts. My daughter is in a bad shape, ” the complaint by the woman reads.
The girl was found by her parents, brick kiln workers, the next day.
Earlier on Saturday, a 13 year old girl was gang raped and murdered in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri district on Friday. The girl’s body was found in the sugercane field owned by one of the rape accused.
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