After Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan accused Government of India (GoI) of “sponsoring hatred and prejudice against Islam” during his speech at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India called the Khan’s virtual address “full of lies, misinformation and warmongering”.
“Pakistan has always called for a peaceful solution. To this end, India must rescind the measures it has instituted since August 5 in 2019, end its military siege and other gross human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir,” Mijito Vinito, an Indian delegate, said in response to Khan’s speech.
Vinito, according to a report by a Delhi based newspaper Hindustan Times, said that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral and inalienable part of India.
The rules and legislation brought in JK are strictly internal affairs of India. The only dispute left in Kashmir relates to the part of Kashmir that is still “under illegal occupation of Pakistan”.
India’s response to Pakistan came after India requested the assembly for “Right of Reply” once all the country speeches in the high-level debate of UNGA’s 75th session were concluded.
During India’s reply to Pakistan, Vinito said that Khan is the “same person who referred to Osama Bin Laden as Martyr in his Parliament in July”.
Vinito referred to Pakistan being the country that had brought “genocide” to South Asia 39 years ago when it killed its own people and not offering any apology for “killings”. Vinto also accused Pakistan of providing pensions to militants out of State funds.
Khan while addressing the UNGA had said that “Islamophobia prevails in India today and threatens the nearly 200 million Muslims who live there.”
“The one country in the world today where, I am sad to say, the state sponsors Islamophobia, is India. The reason behind this is RSS ideology that unfortunately rules India today,” Khan said in a recorded speech to the UNGA, which is being held virtually amid the COVID outbreak.
“They believe that India is exclusive to Hindus and others are not equal citizens,” Khan added.
Khan said that the Indian government believes that India is exclusive to Hindus and others are not equal citizens. “There will be no durable peace and stability in South Asia until the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is resolved on the basis of international legitimacy,” Khan said during his address, calling for a peaceful solution and a rescinding of India’s August 5 move.
“Khan, as he did in his speech before the world body last year, also condemned the targeting of Muslims in many countries and provocations and incitement “in the name of free speech”.
“Incidents in Europe, including the republication of blasphemous sketches by Charlie Hebdo, are recent examples,” he said.
Last month, the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo reprinted the caricatures of Prophet Mohammed (ﷺ) that were first published in 2015.
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