Srinagar: Amid COVID scare, Muslim volunteers in Kargil region of Ladakh buried a Christian who died in Kargil hospital from Coronavirus.
Local sources said that an NHPC employee Samir Akaa from Ranchi Jharkhand posted in Kargil was tested COVID positive and was admitted at COVID Care Hospital last week.
The infected employee was Christian by faith who succumbed to Covid-19 in the hospital at Kargil.
Muslim volunteers after receiving information about the death of a Christian stepped in and buried the deceased near Chaman Mode, adjacent to Muslim graveyard.
“We responded immediately regardless of the faith of the deceased after coming to know about the death of this man. We have seen many difficult situations, even cases where children refuse to touch their father’s body,” said one of the volunteers.
Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi, President Anjuman Jamiat-ul-Ulama Isna Ashriya Kargil shared some photographs of burial on his Twitter handle, thanking these Muslim volunteers for setting a great example for humanity. (KNT)
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