New Delhi: After cancelling a ‘Jan Chetna Maha rally’ in Ayodhya citing a police investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment against him by seven female wrestlers, including a minor, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh will now address a party rally in Katra area of Kaiserganj, UP, his constituency, on June 11.
The rally is being organised under BJP’s Mahasampark Abhiyan for the 2024 elections.
Singh had previously announced the postponement of his June 5 ‘Jan Chetna Maha rally’ in Ayodhya, which was later cancelled as wrestlers intensified protests and sought action against Singh.
He had also said there were “serious directions of the Supreme Court”.
In a Facebook post on Friday, Singh said, “It was decided to hold a Sant Sammelan in Ayodhya on June 5 to consider the evil spreading across society. But now that police are investigating the allegations, and respecting the serious directions of the Supreme Court, the ‘Jan Chetna Maharally, June 5, Ayodhya Chalo’ programme has been postponed for a few days.”