Jammu & Kashmir

‘Inhumane, unethical behaviour’: Apni Party kicks out Facebook page admin, suspends all roles

Altaf Bukhari with the FB page admin.

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party on Friday ordered for suspension of party member, and Facebook Page admin, Mudassir Aziz from all roles and responsibilities of the party ‘over exhibition of inconsistent behaviour with the values and ethics upheld by the organisation’.

“In light of recent events, it has come to the attention of the Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party that Mudassir Aziz has exhibited behaviour that is inconsistent with the values and ethics upheld by our organisation,” reads the suspension order.

“The Apni Party is committed to maintaining a standard of integrity, respect, and humanity, which Aziz’s actions have contravened. Effective immediately, Mudassir Aziz is hereby suspended from all roles, responsibilities, and activities associated with the Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party.”

“Apni Party does not tolerate any inhumane or unethical behaviour and is dedicated to ensuring that all members adhere to the highest standards of conduct. We believe that this action is necessary to preserve the integrity and reputation of our organization,” the order reads.

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