
Israel-Palestine peace requires political solution, not just recognition: Germany

Annalena Baerbock

Germany on Wednesday said that peace between Israel and Palestine requires a “political solution” rather than just “nominal recognition,” following the recognition of a Palestinian state by three European countries.

At a joint press conference with French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated that if recognition alone could bring peace, no politician would hesitate.

“But I’ve consistently said over these six months that resolving this dire situation requires a political solution, not just nominal recognition,” Baerbock said.

Sejourne added that he did not believe recognition of Palestine would contribute to peace at this moment. He reiterated that France has always sought for recognition to aid in a political resolution but stated that “now is not the time.”

Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced on Wednesday their decision to recognize Palestine as a state starting May 28. This came as Israel continued its aggressive actions in Gaza despite a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire.

Eight European countries already recognise Palestine: Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Sweden, and the Greek Cypriot administration.

Since last October, more than 35,700 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed, and nearly 80,000 others injured, in genocide by Israel since October 7, 2023. Seven months into the conflict, large parts of Gaza are in ruins due to a severe blockade on food, water, and medicine.

Israel faces accusations of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which has ordered it to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide and to facilitate humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.

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