Jammu & Kashmir

NC will bring back all Kashmiris lodged in jails across India: Omar

Omar Abdullah with other NC members during election rally in DH Pora Kulgam on May 23, 2024. [FPK Photo/ Qayoom Khan]

Former CM also accused BJP of stifling rights of Kashmiris

Kulgam: Former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir and National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullay on Thursday accused BJP-led government of India of imposing severe restrictions on the employment and freedom of speech of Kashmiri people.

Adressing a rally in DH Pora, Kulgam, Omar said that thousands of Kashmiri children are imprisoned across the region. He promised that the National Conference would work to secure their release.

“We must save our land and fight to restore the special status that was undemocratically and illegally taken from us by the BJP-led government of India,” he declared.

He also criticised the BJP’s broader actions across India, accusing the party of “snatching rights and humiliating Muslims.”

Furthermore, Omar labeled regional parties like Altaf Bukhari’s Apni Party and Mehbooba Mufti’s People’s Democratic Party as being indirectly linked to the BJP.

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