Jammu & Kashmir

Unidentified person jumps into river Jhelum in Srinagar; rescue Op launched

Jhelum view from Aalikadal Srinagar. [FPK File Photo]

Srinagar: A rescue operation was on Saturday launched after an unknown person jumped into river Jhelum at Bharave Ghat in Chattabal area of Srinagar on Saturday.

An official told the news agency Kashmir News Observer that an unknown person jumped into the river Jhelum at Bharave Ghat in Chattabal.

Soon after the news spread, a massive rescue operation launched at the spot.

Pertinently, on May 30, youth drowned to death at the world famous Dal Lake near Nishat area of Central Kashmir’s district Srinagar.

The body was retrieved by SDRF later and his identification is being ascertained.

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