With the revival of a top office in Srinagar earlier this year, the controversial wetland remark sent a celebrity cop on an...
Jammu: The Jammu and Kashmir government on Monday admitted in the legislative Assembly that Anchar, Gilsar, Khushallsar lakes are deteriorating due to illegal...
Have to take care of environmental consequences while building tourism infrastructure Integrated development of Hazratbal, Katra being taken up under ‘PRASAD’ Focused attention...
Notwithstanding the National Green Tribunal directions, Governor N N Vohra recently decided that a 60-day-long, instead of the earlier 45-day-long, Amarnath Yatra...
In the heritage city of Srinagar, attempts to toy and tarnish with heritage sites and sights are not new. In the name...
Srinagar: Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) in the past two months have fined over 60 people found polluting the environment. According to the...