Bandipora: Government Wednesday named a Primary School in honor of a killed policeman who was the security guard of government gunman turned...
Hajin: A 2-year-old boy slipped to death into a canal in Hajin area of north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Saturday. An official...
Hajin: A 18- year old boy was found hanging in Banyari village of Hajin in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Wednesday evening....
Bandipora: Wild boars have turned into a formidable foe for farmers across Hajin area of North Kashmir’s Bandipora district, people complained on...
Hajin: A 24-year-old pregnant woman was found dead at her residence in Mukhdamyari village of Hajin in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on...
Bandipora: Around 43% voting was recorded in the two District Development Consistencies which went to the re-poll in the Kashmir Division of...
Srinagar: On 22nd March, in three gunfights, five militants were killed by armed forces. Around 33 kilometres North of Srinagar, in Hajin...
Srinagar: Chairman of the Hurriyat (M) Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has condemned the killing of a minor boy during a gunfight in Hajin....
Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir police on Friday identified the two militants killed in the Hajin gunfight and said that both were foreigners. Cops...
Srinagar: Two militants and a 12 year old boy were killed in a gunfight in Hajin area of north Kashmir’s Bandipora district...