Srinagar: Srinagar Police on Saturday in a statement said that they have arrested 14 persons for spreading rumours over braid chopping in Srinagar.
“They were instigating people for protests and stone pelting,” the statement said.
The statement further added that 8 persons were arrested from Batamaloo area while 6 others were held from Noorbagh area of Srinagar city in different raids by the police.
“These miscreants were spreading rumours on braid chopping and were causing panic among the people. They were taking advantage of braid chopping incidents to instigate general public for protest and stone pelting,” the statement said.
The Police also arrested 18 people in the case related to the thrashing of three territorial army men in Sheeri area of Baramulla on October 18.
Meanwhile, a complete shutdown was observed in the valley after Joint Resistance Leadership had called for a strike and a civil curfew against the braid chopping incidents.
Authorities imposed restrictions in various parts of the city as a ‘preventive measure’.