An investigation by The Tribune has revealed that sellers on WhatsApp are providing unrestricted access to over a billion Aadhaar details for just Rs 500.
The Tribune reported that a correspondent “purchased” a service from an anonymous seller on WhatsApp by paying Rs 500 via Paytm.
Within minutes, the agent provided a login ID and password to a portal where the correspondent could enter any Aadhaar number and gain instant access to all of its details including name, address, phone number, photo and email.
The Tribune team also paid Rs 300, for which the agent provided “software” that could facilitate the printing of the Aadhaar card after entering the Aadhaar number of any individual.
Investigations has also revealed that the racket may have started around six months ago, when some anonymous groups were created on WhatsApp.
Sanjay Jindal, Additional Director-General, UIDAI Regional Centre, Chandigarh in a statement has said, “Except the Director-General and I, no third person in Punjab should have a login access to our official portal. Anyone else having access is illegal, and is a major national security breach.”