Srinagar: The Delhi Police has called two Kashmiri students of Jamia Millia Islamia for questioning in connection with Mannan Wani, a research scholar of Aligarh Muslim University who has reportedly joined the militant outfit Hizbul Mujhahideen.
According to sources, Wani while on his way back to Kashmir from Aligarh had stopped in Delhi to catch up with his friends.
“He had stopped to have tea with his friends in Jamia,” sources said.
Two research scholars have been called for questioning by the Delhi Police to the Jamia Nagar Police station.
Meanwhile, AMU has suspended Wani who was pursuing a doctorate in Geology. According to a report by the FirstPost, the Uttar Pradesh police has raided that university campus to carry on further investigations.
However, the Inspector General of Police Munir Khan told India Today that there is no confirmation as of now that Wani has joined Hizb. He also added that the pictures in which he is carrying a gun might be photo-shopped.
Despite repeated attempts, Jamia Nagar Police Station could not be reached for comment.