Actor Siddharth launched the ‘Kerala Donation Challenge’ in a tweet on Friday in which a picture of the bank letter was attached, showing his contribution to the Kerala floods that claimed the lives of upto 170 citizens. The actor tweeted:
I dare you. I beg of you!
What do I have to do to make you read and share this?
I did the #KeralaDonationChallenge
It was awesome!
Will you? Please?#KeralaFloods#SaveKerala@CMOKerala
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) August 16, 2018
Actor Varun Dhawan made a similar tweet urging people to help and even tagged Siddharth in his post. “If you can help please contribute in any way possible,” actor Varun Dhawan tweeted.
If you can help please contribute in anyway possible. I was finding how to help out and @Actor_Siddharth tweet helped me find out about the @CMOKerala relief fund. #istandwithkerela
— Varun MAUJI Dhawan (@Varun_dvn) August 16, 2018
Following which twitterati accepted the challenge and passed it on.
Forget #KikiChallenge
Lets do #KeralaDonationChallenge
Believe me,its awesome
Thanks @Actor_Siddharth #letsStandWithKerala @CMOKerala— Shami (@sr_ShaMi) August 17, 2018
I did #KeralaDonationChallenge .
Will you?#SaveKerala #KeralaFlood #KeralaFloodRelief— Malti Chahar (@ChaharMalti) August 17, 2018
In one of the first unprecedented floods in history, fresh onslaught of rain in Kerala since August 8 has led to a death toll of over 100 and 35 out of 39 dams have been opened. A red alert has been issued in all the 14 districts of the state. There have been power cuts and food shortage across the state.
Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has announced a financial assistance of Rs 500 crore to the flood ravaged state of Kerala after chairing a high level meeting with Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, Union Minister Alphons KJ and other state ministers for checking rehabilitations measures and assessing the damage. He also announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh per person to the next kin of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to those seriously injured from the PM’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi took an aerial survey in Kerala’s Kochi this morning and later tweeted: “In Kerala, I took stock of the situation arising in the wake of the devastating floods across the state. Joined a review meeting and undertook an aerial survey to assess the damage caused by flooding. The nation stands firmly with Kerala in this hour.”
According to the recent weather report, heavy rains along with gusty wind speed upto 60 kmph is expected in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, Idukki and Ernakulam districts.