New Delhi: In a television interview that was aired on Saturday, senior advocate and the former Law Minister of India, Shanti Bhushan pressed for a referendum in Kashmir saying that it is the significant right of the people to determine for themselves as to what kind of “administration” they want.
In a joint India Today interview of the father-son duo (Shanti, and Prashant Bhushan), Shanti was asked if his views on Kashmir differ from that of his son’s, to which Shanti replied, “my views are the same as Prashant. I take the view that it is the right of the people of a significant territory to determine for themselves as to what kind of government or administration that they want. It is therefore the right of the Kashmiri people also.”
“They have permitted referendum in the UK even if they secede, and I believe in that. They may call me anti-national, but this is my honest view,” Shanti said.
Earlier in 2014, Prashant Bhushan too had made a similar statement in Aaj Tak’s Seedhi Baat, calling for a referendum in the valley to decide whether or not the Indian Army should be deployed to deal with internal threats in Kashmir.
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