Jammu: On the eve of his visit to Jammu, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that he has heard that a film on Article 370 is going to be released this week. The film will help people in getting “correct information”, Modi said.
“I have heard that a film on Article 370 is going to be released this week. It is a good thing as it will help people in getting correct information,” Modi was quoted as saying by Times of India.
He said that during his foreign trip to gulf countries recently, he was told that JK’s hospitality and mesmerising atmosphere was awesome. “This has happened after the successful G-20 presidency and meetings in the country and Srinagar,” he said.
Modi said his last year 2 crore tourists visited J&K which created livelihood opportunities for many. “I assure you as far as infrastructure, people would forget Switzerland and prefer J&K as infrastructure is going to get a big boost,” he said.
On Monday, he posted on X, “I look forward to being in Jammu tomorrow to inaugurate key development works which will boost ‘Ease of Living.’ It will also be a landmark day for the education sector as various institutions including IITs and IIMs will get permanent campuses.”