Hyderabad: BJP’s candidate for Hyderabad’s Lok Sabha seat, Madhavi Latha, sparked controversy when a video of her gesturing to shoot an arrow towards a mosque during a procession surfaced on Thursday. The video, which went viral, was reportedly filmed on Wednesday during a Ram Navami procession in the city.
Later, Latha on ‘X’ platform, stated that it was an incomplete video of her and was being circulated to create negativity. She also apologised if anyone’s sentiments were hurt.
AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi strongly criticised the BJP and RSS, expressing concern over the threat to peace posed by their actions. He also reprimanded the media for allegedly downplaying the significance of the video, highlighting the importance of condemning aggressive acts near religious sites.
Owaisi appealed to the city’s youth, emphasising the importance of maintaining the peace that Hyderabad has enjoyed for the past 15 years and cautioning against efforts by the BJP and RSS to tarnish “Brand Hyderabad.”
When asked about the video, Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj stated on Thursday that he was not aware of it.