Jammu & Kashmir

Speedy tempo crushes 60 sheep to death, injures 40 in Kulgam

A flock of sheep in Kashmir.

Two persons also injured, FIR registered

Kulgam: At least 60 sheep died while 40 more were injured after a flock of sheep were crushed to death by a speedy tempo vehicle on highway in Kulgam late last night.

An official said that a flock of sheep were hit by a speedy tempo near Khudwani on Friday night.

He said that in the incident at least 60 sheep lost their lives while 40 more were injured. He said that two persons members of the flock owners were also injured in the incident who have been hospitalised.

The official added that police have taken cognisance of the incident by registering FIR and driver has been arrested while further investigation has been taken up. (KNO)

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