“See how deserted Gulmarg looks,” Aahil laments. “This grass is supposed to be like this in summer, not now.” In the backdrop...
“My eyes watered as the vivid childhood memories flooded my mind. That is when I mustered all my might and took it...
Like any other place on the globe, Kashmir is not isolated from the issues of plastic pollution. Being situated in an ecologically...
Polythene is showing up in the darkest depths of the oceans, at the summit of tallest mountains and even the polar ice...
Dungduru, Kishtwar: Until a few years ago, Ghulam Hassan Magray, 36, was living comfortably in his native village, Sewerbatti, located just on...
After revitalizing a prime lake in the heart of Srinagar, a Kashmiri man’s resolve to restore lost springs is now creating a...
In his thirties, Mohammad Ashraf Sofi was amazed when he first saw a video of a stream disappearing into a “hole” on...
Chinars! What must have passed under their comfortable shades, of men assembling at noon complaining of toils, admitting thankfulness, women solemnly swearing...
Before being brought down in a dramatic manner, drones would capture a corrugated cityscape which once had colourful flowerbeds blooming atop. Amid...