Swerved by strife into a Theatre of Absurd, Kashmir is grappling with the senselessness of the words prevailing for decades and lingering...
Throughout the globe, governments prefer to adopt endangered or threatened birds. But the newly declared Kalij Pheasant is neither an endangered or...
Poetry that has emerged from Kashmir spans across mystical baeth, love songs, travel narratives, philosophical studies and dramas written in verse. Since...
It is never an event. It is always a process of several steps, at times far from one another, that slowly progress...
Showkat Ahmad from Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir had first contracted the virus in July this year. After remaining asymptomatic, he...
As the administration in Jammu and Kashmir starts its eviction drives to push the Gujjar and Bakwerwals out of their traditional homes,...
By announcing a plan to retrieve the lands instead of acting against influential bureaucrats who transferred the lands illegally, the J&K administration...
The Sangh and its affiliates have launched a vicious campaign based on falsehoods against Jammu Muslims. This is not happening in isolation,...
A volley of amended Acts post-Article 370 abrogation has unleashed a sense of distress in the valley where commoners are currently struggling...
The public health emergency caused by the COVID pandemic has brought the whole world to a standstill. In Kashmir, over 28,000 cases...