Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Saturday held a ‘Quran Khawani’ and ‘Duaieya Majlis’ for the cops who were killed in a militant ambush in Anantnag on Friday evening.
One cop was killed on last Thursday evening in Hyderpora suspected militant attack.
Police also said that all the ranks shall be donating their one-day salary to the families of sixteen cops who were killed in this year, so far.
“Duaieya Majlis and Quran Khawani” was held Saturday evening in Jamia Masjid Police lines Srinagar for six police personnel who were killed in Achabal area of Anantnag district on June 16, 2017.
“These special prayers were held to pay homage to these slain cops and to show solidarity with the bereaved families,” police said in a statement. “The special prayers will continue for three days in Jamia Masjid Police Lines Srinagar.”
Dy SP DAR Feroz Qadri and other officers/officials and civil society members took part in these prayers.
“The aim of the congressional payers was to convey that J&K police as a family stands with the slain cops and their families and they will be taken care of,” the statement added.
The statement added that Jammu and Kashmir Police personnel will donate one day salary for the families of slain cops who have “sacrificed” their precious lives in the line of duty.
Fourteen police personnel and two SPOs were killed in various militancy related incidents during this year, so far.
To show solidarity and their concern for the bereaved families of these slain cops, J&K police personnel will donate one day salary of the current month, police said.
The contributed amount will be credited into Range PHQ Welfare Fund under the title AIG Welfare PHQ J&K Account Number 0110010100004910 maintained at J&K Bank extension counter PHQ.